hello guy today we are going to talk about the new Amazon product the 2nd generation of Echo Dot, a new gadget that you can put on your desktop and enjoy controlling your life!. Am definitely going to get one for me!
so i was on amazon today and i saw the announce of the Echo Dot and check it out, am early in love with Alexa :), i like the idea of digital assistant. Even if we had them on our device like SiRi or Cortana, Alexa it a whole new different thing.
having an actual device on your desktop talking to him, give some type of feeling, don’t you think so?. I imagining myself as Iron man right now :),
Ok enough, let talk about the device now, i will start with the technical details and then we will move to the performance:

Now what Alexa “Echo Dot” can do?
the skills of Alexa are countless, simply because you have the ability to add as many as you can with the free App , you just choose the skill that you want Alexa to do and then add it to the App and here you go, Alexa can order pizza for you, pick up an Uber if you want and tracking your fitness, and even more…, and New skills are being added all the time by Amazon.
and the amazing part is that they add in the 2nd generation the sound recognition, so that Alexa can understand your question in noisy places or while playing music,
and the 3 simple steps to set up make it easy for you to get ready to use it in seconds.