Hello my Friends, today i want to introduce to you a new type of speakers, A unique one. is From OrigAudio and they call it OrigAudio Rock-It 3.0.
this speaker, actually is not a speaker but they way of how he work you can use it to make your own speaker, lets see how he work:
first you have to plug the device into a phone or a computer …, via headphone jack or bluetooth. Than you tack the head of the device and you stick it into a surface and you play the music. the quality of the sound change from a surface to another, it depend on the cavity of the surface.
the OrigAudio Rock-It 3.0 uses the vibration to make the sound you can play with it by sticking it into any object and enjoy the music.
for the design, he is doing well. with a size of small cap we can deal with it.
to power the device you can use an AA batteries and you can plug it into a device which you will be playing music from.